May be coming soon.

Posted: May 18, 2011 by Rachel in Updates

There is something in the works…. that’s all I’m going to say!

Back to Script :)

Posted: September 28, 2010 by Esther in Next Movie, Updates

Hey guys! I’ve not written on the script for like… ever,  so today I actually sat down and wrote 3 pages!!! Yes, I am very excited. 🙂 We have been very busy since early august, which was the last time I wrote. We went to fiddle camp for a week, and then had a few gigs, and then just this weekend went to the Common Ground Fair! So now I think I might actually have some time to finish the script. I will keep you guys updated!

P.S. Really random, but I just had to insert this picture of a sign we saw on our way to the fair. To funny… 😀


Posted: August 12, 2010 by Rachel in Next Movie

There is a script in progress! Penned entirely by our splendid director. I’ve read a bit of it and it is top notch stuff.

(After the release of the finished product, we should probably market copies of the manuscript. Certainly worthy of your dollar.)


Posted: July 27, 2010 by Esther in Updates

Hello Everyone!

We have been working on completing the special features for the Quemosabe DVD.  We are hoping to release the DVD sometime this fall, but as some one in a movie once said “I love deadlines. I love the sound they make as they go whooshing past….” So we aren’t really sure when it will be done. 😉 I will keep you guys posted!

— E M